14° Annual International Conference on Social Work 2023

Empowering Youth and Countering Irregular Migration in Ikot Ekpene

In the heart of Nigeria, the city of Ikot Ekpene is a bustling hub where dreams and aspirations of young people often meet the harsh reality of limited opportunities and the allure of irregular migration. However, an ambitious project is now in motion, aiming to change the lives of these youth and divert them from the perilous path of irregular migration.

Project Objectives:

The project has set clear and noble objectives. First and foremost, it seeks to promote the economic empowerment of Ikot Ekpene’s youth through enhancing their technical and vocational skills, facilitating job placements, and creating income-generating activities. The broader goal is to counter irregular migration by providing training and vocational qualifications to the Nigerian youth in the area.

Job Placement and Mentoring:

Finding employment can often be a daunting task for young people, and this project addresses that challenge head-on. The project introduces a mentoring service, which will provide invaluable support to youth as they seek employment and equip them with the skills required to navigate the labor market effectively. This mentorship will be a guiding light for the young talents of Ikot Ekpene.

Creating Income-Generating Activities:

Beyond job placement, the project also encourages entrepreneurship among the youth. It supports the establishment of cooperatives for joint management of income-generating activities. This endeavor will empower young people to not just find employment but to become job creators themselves, thereby fostering self-reliance and sustainable livelihoods.

Raising Awareness About Irregular Migration:

The dangers of irregular migration are all too real. To deter young people from making life-threatening journeys, an awareness campaign and information events will be organized. These efforts will educate potential migrants about the risks associated with irregular migration and highlight the possibilities for co-development and investment in the area. Moreover, the project will engage with the Nigerian diaspora in Italy, making them active participants in this mission to improve the prospects of their homeland.

In conclusion, the Italian Ministry of Interior’s project in Ikot Ekpene is a beacon of hope for the city’s youth. By providing skills, mentorship, and opportunities for income generation, the project is not just a solution to the issue of irregular migration but a catalyst for transforming the lives of young people. The message is clear: their dreams can be realized right at home, without having to embark on a perilous journey. This initiative shines as a prime example of international cooperation for the betterment of society.

End of conference and conclusion of the NWA EYEFON project actions in Nigeria. Looking forward to the next

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